
POSTED IN contemporary poetry May 28, 2013




News of another lover
of unspecified gender
(a generational glitch
in the eclectic dreams
of ageless cappuccino debutantes
and aromatic swashbucklers)
and barely hidden terms
of rapturous agreements,
under the guise
of open-mindedness,
are dealt out over a table
in a double-handed tryst,
while nutmeg and cinnamon,
nestled together
in frothy delight,
conceal incantations
wafted into fetid air
of diametric oppositions,
and social commentary
acquires a neon glow,
reflected in panes
of hard-boiled silicon,
marking the outer limit
against the primitive fringe:

out here,

where hands
beat drums
to frighten Pharoah,

where tongues
chant prayers
to raise the dead,

where feet
move dust
upon the earth.

Garnet Robbie

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