May, 2015

The Muse

POSTED IN contemporary poetry May 31, 2015

The Muse


Far ahead of me, I see my Muse

dressed plainly in a tan skirt

and a white blouse, She is waving

a bright yellow scarf in her left hand.

Her right hand she holds open, palm

facing me, as if she were halting something.


.      .      .      “Follow after, Poet”

I hear her words as speech arising 

in the back of my mind . . . I read my poem

out loud. Then I read my silent heart.

Both are replete with what I have loved.




Daniel Brick

A field in Romania

POSTED IN contemporary poetry May 13, 2015












A  field in Romania

In Spring, in a field stretching across Romania,
a man and a woman stand side by side,
their hands lightly clasped, on their faces
the suggestion of a smile. The man is attentive
to her needs, she is fascinated with his stories.
Their stance displays the goodness of the right
people. They are waiting for the arrival of
a special Word the wind will carry down the Windway.
The land itself awaits this Word. Those of us at home,
or at work, or in a journey, or in the cemetery or a church
await the Word. Most especially, the crowd,
silent and calm, almost motionless, the Witnesses wait,
assembled on a grassy expanse below the knoll
on which the man and the woman search each other faces
for reassurance. People shape this Word silently
with their lips, then bow their heads, knowing it is
only a few deep breaths away . . .

The Word itself is part of the wind which carries it
on the Windway, the part that it leaves behind,
its mysterious trace no one has seen but everyone
feels. Soon they will carry the Word . . . This is now
the quietest place on earth . . . And, with no drama
of any kind, the Word spreads without speech
through the crowd, and continues its country-wide trek.
This event is no more special than watching a cloud
form, disperse, and reform, but by then we are looking
elsewhere. It is no more special than lovers making
promises to each other. sealing each one with a kiss.
Or a man and a woman teaching their youngest daughter
the oldest dance, steadying her legs, counting out
the rhythms with her, until her child’s grace takes over,
and the three of them trace the ancient pattern of footsteps
in the afternoon light. I tell you again,  it is no more
special than watching grains grow, or a river flow,
or the sky darken with rain. What must happen
will happen, and we live our lives in the Meanwhile
between such momentous events —

The birds, there! The birds have arrived! They circle
about us, then swoop down and gently graze
the woman’s unprotected hair. They hover over
the man’s head, or settle briefly on his shoulders.
We all turn our heads upward when they suddenly
climb back into the sky. Our unison gesture is a kind
of prayer. They careen in a wide circle around us,
they glide inside the circle their flight has traced,
then shoot upward again, straight into a cone
of light they fill with caws, and calls, and shrieks.

It is no different from yesterday’s sight, it’ just
much bigger. Tomorrow, fewer birds will do
the same aerial dances, and not everyone will
watch. But that does not concern the rest of us.
We love the repetition of beauty . . . Some people
have begun to leave the field, when in an eerie
silence, riding and twirling around sun-shafts,
the birds come racing down, into our human crowd
once again, swooping upward at the last second.
Some burst through the tree canopy so headlong is
their speed! We are amazed. Cheers and clapping
resound throughout the field. Then we join hands,
and a general dance begins. Awkward at first,
with unsteady steps and botched rhythms,
gradually the better dancers assert control.
and pull the rest of us along. We hug our neighbours
tighter, lovers leading the way, and amid cascades
of laughter and row upon row of kicking feet,
swaying bodies, smiling faces, we become what
we are meant to be – one body becoming one soul.
And long into the night the dance prevails,
in a field in Romania. Overhead, the birds circle
us again and again, calling in voices that
sound almost human . . . .

Daniel J. Brick
with thanks to Magdalena for her inspiration!


Primele iubiri / First loves

POSTED IN translated Romanian-English May 7, 2015

prima iubire











Primele iubiri


Azi, iata, am vazut un curcubeu
Deasupra lumii sufletului meu.
Vin cerbii mei in goana sa se-adune
Si catra el privirile-si tintesc –
Un codru nesfarsit de coarne brune
in care mii de stele stralucesc.
Sosind din dunga zarii de argint
Vin pasarile-mi mari de sarbatoare
Si-nchipuiesc pe ceruri, falfaind,
Un ocean de aripi miscatoare;
intreaga lume-a sufletului, vie,
Palpita-ntr-o frenetica betie.

Azi sunt indragostit.
E-un curcubeu
Deasupra lumii sufletului meu.
Izvoarele s-au luminat si suna
Oglinzile ritmandu-si-ie-n dans,
Si brazii mei vuiesc fara furtuna
intr-un ametitor, sonor balans,
in vii vibreaza struguri stravezii
Cristalurile cantecelor grele –
Si stropi scaparatori de melodii
Ca roua nasc in ierburile mele.
Eu curg intreg in acest cantec sfant:
Eu nu mai sunt, e-un cantec tot ce sunt.


Nicolae Labis (1935-1956)



First loves


Today, look, I have seen a rainbow, whole
above the universe of my own soul.
All of my deer come  racing one another,
they gaze upon him with a staring gaze-
an endless  woodland of brown horns together
where thousands of stars celestially blaze.
Arriving from the silver lining sky
My celebrative feathers come and swing
and, fluttering, they build on heaven, high,
a moving ocean as a waving wing;
The whole world of my soul, vivaciously,
trembles  in a frenetic ecstasy.

Today I am in love.
A rainbow, whole
above the universe of my own soul.
The springs are all enlightened and they chime
moving their mirrors in a rhythmic dance,
and my fir-trees roar without storming time
in an astounding , resonant balance,
in vineyards vibrate the pellucid grapes
The crystals of the heavy tuned reverbs-
And drops of scintillating lyric shapes
like morning dew are born into my herbs.
I fully flow throughout this holy anthem:
I am no more. A song is all I am.



English version by Maria Magdalena Biela
