contemporary poetry

Passion and Perseverence

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 8, 2013












Passion and Perseverence

I am not beaten and no one
can whip me into shape.A heart
laid bare, i’m free to discover
all that I am. Yes, I run deep.
It’s peculiar, how I can’t
help but notice similarities
in reactions and motivations.
On the surface we look diverse.

At heart, we are human, divine.
Unbowed: filled with curiosity,
we love, learn and make progress.
Self-directed, our full potential
is not auctioned to the highest bid.
No pile of money can buy the grit
that given the fullness of time
reveals  our most precious pearl.




Gael Bage

Our words

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 5, 2013

Our words

our words define us

separate or connect us

they can trip us up
or help us fly

words can deceive
or make us believe that
anything is possible

or nothing is

they can fill us with love
or empty us

make us laugh or cry

we can wear our words
with pride

or disappear inside them
the perfect place to hide

who decided words
‘ could never harm us?’

I’d rather break my bones
with sticks and stones …

than feel the loneliness
of thoughtless words
or the pain of silence
that accompanies them

bones can be healed

a wounded heart
takes a little longer to mend.


Amanda Edwards

Wren in the bush

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 5, 2013












Wren in the bush

Wren in the bush
your singing shook it leaf and twig,
   but then you flitted away
   before we knew we knew
whose music had disturbed the hush
       of breaking day.



Stan Absher

You waken the poet

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 4, 2013


You waken the poet

You waken the poet in me,
and trepidation seizes me
for, if I were to follow him
I'd surely scorch my wings
from flying to close to the sun.

Poetry is only a prose
deserving of a unique form
for, if this were but an essay
who is there that could hear
these accents of eternity?

The rhyme means but little
the rhythm is the center thing
for, if it were not for a time
ev'ry measure in place
how would the essential appear?

So it is in living
the yin and the yang of it all
for, if not for give and receive
how to see dark from light
and know our birth from our death?

Garnet Shaw Robbie

the monarch

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 3, 2013











the monarch

You rest upon my hand
a monarch butterfly
gently flexing your wings
such fragile beauty
perfectly designed


you wait
for that precise moment
a gentle zephyr
a sun warmed kiss
a call from  the universe


I scarcely breathe
my eyes fixed upon you
longing to keep you forever


love catches in my throat

but you are not mine
and never were

In this brief time together
we taught each other
beauty and truth


I must let you go
that one day
you will return


Yet while you still remain
the merest touch upon my skin
you have my whole attention
I dare not breathe or blink an eye
lest you disappear

and I realise with great sorrow


I have not had time
to say goodbye.





Amanda Edwards

If I

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 2, 2013














If I


give you a few coins

live my life in luxury

and leave you in penury

did I give ought of me

or salve to conscience?


or if I play a victim

and then label you as bad

dispense my forgiveness

walk away feeling glad

did I truly forgive ?


If I give tender care

where love enfolds me

is love already shared ?

Do I have love to spare

for those in dire need ?


If I let thoughts rise,

to higher self and love

is it big ego on display

when my words balloon

into the ether today?


If I let my pride feed

energy to fear and power

prop up leaders who divide

puffed up – how can I see

you and i are One humanity?




Gael Bage


POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 26, 2013




















what do you do
when your muse refuses
to cooperate
slinks into a corner and sulks
or sneers at you … “you suck”
hollows out your insides
and leaves you in despair?


what do you do
to escape the loneliness
of an empty page
staring at the same lines
over and over
until they disappear
in a mist of tears?


what do you do
when you lose self-belief
think you are not good enough
never were … never will be
and despite the affirmations
from your dearest friends
you wallow in self- pity?


perhaps you take a walk
find a peaceful place
to simply be – and reflect
thank God for creating you
brush strokes on his canvas
a composition for his song

loving you for being perfect
just the way you are …
yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Perhaps then you can smile
through your tears of shame
rekindle the fire in your soul


and understand …
your muse never leaves you
He just waits patiently


For you to believe in yourself
to Be … Have … Do!





Amanda Edwards

Pearls of Wisdom

POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 24, 2013












Pearls of Wisdom


By the pearls of wisdom that passed down to us,

we wear a shared strand of sensibility

that transcends our cultures and placement in time,

uniting our womanhood bond.


Experience teaches us to be the wiser

regarding our choices and priorities.

Whether near or far, home is where the heart is,

and family always comes first.


Through thick and thin we will persevere,

and we forever find the silver lining.

There are no regrets, only sweet reveries,

and schemes of dreams to be fulfilled.


The vistas invite us like open doors,

for new adventures are out there, waiting.

Embracing each moment of friendship with you

is grounded in life-lasting love.





Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi

Compassion – Meet me There

POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 22, 2013











Compassion – Meet me There

In the field, are flowers,
each shares an innate language
unspoken, it has many powers.

though invisible its mystery
is heartfelt, touches feelings
a way of being creatively.

as each one of us participate
our consciousness in expectation
all hearts in what we co-create

breathing life into our world
where all our possibilities exist
within our fear and our love

we are war and peace, the whore
and holy, the weakness and power
heart does not judge or score

in the feeling lies the prayer.





Gael Bage

best seller

POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 21, 2013









best seller


Perhaps I may only sell a handful
of my books
Perhaps it is true
that my kind of story does not sell

but if I sell my soul
to be a ‘best seller’
will it matter how many books I sold?

perhaps to you it will
but to me
I wrote the story I wanted to tell
and as Frost might say,

that has made all the difference.






Amanda Edwards
