Joulurauhan julistus/ The Proclamation of Christmas peace

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, Stories December 24, 2015

Declaration of peace










Joulurauhan julistus / The proclamation of Christmas peace

For sure everywhere in this world people are wishing for peace, for kindness, for good will especially in Christmas time. But the only country I know which really preserved the tradition of “proclaiming the Christmas peace” publically in Christmas Eve, is Finland.
Finnish people have a deep and true respect for Christmas.
Since I’ve been living here, in this northern space, I came to the understanding that there are a few things which entered deeply my heart and have been keeping me believe in the miracle of mankind on Earth.
One of these wonderful things is “Joulurauhan julistus”, “The proclamation of Christmas peace” which happens every year, on 24th of December, 12.00 sharp, in the city of Turku.
The history of this tradition goes back in time, to the year 1200, when it happened for the first time. The version of then has been improved by the year 1886, when the punishment for breaking the Christmas peace became stronger.
On Christmas Eve, the house is clean, the Christmas Tree is filled with candles and the star is shining, and families gather around the table for the traditional Christmas meal. But, at 12.00 the TV is on and every family, all over Finland, becomes part of the crowd waiting in Turku, in front of the Brinkkala Mansion balcony, for the Proclamation of Christmas peace.
After that, Christmas time officially starts, people are celebrating in their ways, knowing that nobody is allowed to harm anybody all these sacred days.
Prior to 1886, Christmas peace was proclaimed from the doors and windows of the town hall, as the old saying went. The wooden balcony became known as the Christmas peace balcony and Finns living in Turku are faithful to their tradition.
Every year, at 12.00 , on Christmas Eve, Turku becomes the  ” Christmas city” for all Finnish people.
After the chimes of Turku cathedral’s noon-day bell rang out across the square and following a ceremonial fanfare, one man formally reads the Declaration of peace from the balcony of Brinkkala House in Finnish and Swedish.

“Huomenna, jos Jumala suo,
on meidän Herramme ja Vapahtajamme armorikas syntymäjuhla;
ja julistetaan siis täten yleinen joulurauha kehoittamalla
kaikkia tätä juhlaa asiaankuuluvalla hartaudella viettämään
sekä muutoin hiljaisesti ja rauhallisesti käyttäytymään,
sillä se, joka tämän rauhan rikkoo ja joulujuhlaa jollakin
laittomalla taikka sopimattomalla käytöksellä häiritsee,
on raskauttavien asianhaarain vallitessa syypää siihen
rangaistukseen, jonka laki ja asetukset kustakin rikoksesta
ja rikkomuksesta erikseen säätävät. Lopuksi toivotetaan kaupungin
kaikille asukkaille riemullista joulujuhlaa.”

“I morgon, vill Gud,
infaller vår Herres och Frälsares nåderika födelsefest;
och varder förty härigenom en allmän julfred kungjord och påbjuden,
med åtvarning till envar att denna högtid med tillbörlig andakt fira,
och i övrigt iakttaga ett stilla och fridsamt uppförande,
emedan den, som häremot bryter samt julhögtiden
genom något olagligt eller otillbörligt förfarande oskärar,
gör sig under försvårande omständigheter förfallen till det straff,
lag och författningar för varje brott och överträdelse särskilt påbjuda.
Slutligen tillönskas stadens samtliga invånare en fröjdefull julhelg.”

The Declaration of Christmas Peace in Turku Christmas City of Finland
“Tomorrow, God willing,
is the graceful celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour; and thus is declared a peaceful Christmas time to all, by advising devotion and to behave otherwise quietly and peacefully, because he who breaks this peace and violates the peace of Christmas by any illegal or improper behaviour shall under aggravating circumstances be guilty and punished according to what the law and statutes prescribe for each and every offence separately.”

Kiitos Suomi!
Thank you, Finland, for keeping alive one place for peace, for goodness, for Santa Claus, for all people !
Hyvää  ja rauhallista Joulua, Suomi! Merry Christmas to all!


Maria Magdalena Biela

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