Search-light to my Soul

POSTED IN contemporary poetry November 14, 2013


Search-light to my soul

My words are a search-light
to my Soul
speaking my truth.

Sometimes they glow and shine
shaped by thoughts from others
long ago
yet deeply mine.

Some days my words glisten softly
like pale moonlight or distant stars
A silvery fish, darting out of shadows
dapples of half-light, reflecting
off its scales
flashes of truth from memory’s past.

Some days my words burn bright
I cover my eyes in pain;
there is nowhere to hide.
I take another peek – aha!
Nothing to fear
Just light.

Some days the words won’t come.
I shake my torch, bang it on the ground
So frustrated,
so disappointed.

Useless, empty thoughts
expose old wounds
that I’m not good enough
A lonely void haunts me
deep within

So then I seek Your Word
Your truth, your wisdom.
Love fills my heart
Rekindles that radiant spark
that threatens to glow cold.

And then I remember.
You have given me all I need
Gifted me
my salvation
All I must do, is believe.

“Faith need be only the size
of a mustard seed.”

For you Father, are always here
holding my trembling hand.
As we switch on the light together
And reveal such beauty there.



Amanda Edwards

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