World Between Worlds

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 30, 2013


















World Between Worlds

Two lively green eyes
appraise her reflection.
A pretty face is mirrored
in the brass clock dial.
Trapped in time, afloat
inside rainbow bubbles.
She waits for them to burst.
juggles new spheres blown
from her mind.She watches
people frolic in the lake
of fire. Light streams out
from behind locked doors,
but there are no walls.
Past one door a cinder path
leads to the distant hills.
The sky upon the horizon
is a blaze of hot coals,
where clouds billow like smoke.
She sees many doors, no walls.
A blue flame burns bright
reflects on a mirrored door
opens to a walnut davenport.
She pens a poem quick before
raindrops bleed the colours.

I’m thunder and lightning
illumination of man’s spirit
a trigger for Earth to Eden,
a neon positive luminosity.

One who is moved by poetry.
I’m star dust on the road
to destiny, souls map with
heart aflame. A mystic seer
I’m your bolt from the blue,
poet’s third eye. As lemmings
we run to the edge of a cliff,
or we fly to our golden era ?





Gael Bage

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