Why some poems are sad

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 15, 2013











Why some poems are sad

“I like it when you write
Happy poems,” she said.
“Why don’t you write more?
Why are some of your poems so sad?”

I seek truth when I write,
And my poems
Are signposts that mark the way.

Sometimes I walk
In the bright sunlight
Feeling its gentle warmth
Against my cheek,
And my spirit soars among the clouds
Of ocean blue skies,
My heart filled with joy.

But sometimes my path
Takes me through
The darkness of
Sadness, sorrow, despair.
I have to face
The razor-sharp edge
Of loss that seems
To slash my heart
Into ribbons,
The fear that if I try again,
I’ll be hurt again.

I write about the darkness
Because it, too, is true.

And in so doing, I discover
That hope shines more brightly
In the darkness of despair,
That courage can only be found
When we face our fears.
That we cannot know true joy
Without understanding pain.




Phil Ray Jack

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