Time and No Time

POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 15, 2013











Time and No Time

Could we all be eternal
or in time, does it end ?
It seems I always knew you
my true and loving friend.

At times the clock hands
move so inexorably slow
If I blink do the sands
of time silence the show ?

Is our life sequential
did we meet once before ?
Is our essence essential
a fixed bullseye score ?

Does mind mark the hours
coloured briefly by emotion
to navigate life’s showers.
Is time an elastic notion

an illusive mental trip ?
Or perhaps an endless stream
drop by drop, every drip
a delightful lucid dream

Does time come together
gather in synchronicity
guided forever to render
this moment intuitively

One in One, a complement
dialog is stilled in grace
by a quantum entanglement
aware – in universal space.




Gael Bage

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