
POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 8, 2013













Sound flies in like angels who dance
through frequency haloes. Listen.
Hear earth’s multi-facet song, haunting
melodies I never heard before. A tutor
for my feet, a ravisher for my ears,
a lover for my heart.

Deep in the earth I sense vibration.
nebulous ghost-notes crawl through her skin
and into the music, bubble up in springs
where frogs play hip-hop rhythms.
Chord streams enter rivers, rush allegro
down the scales to join the sea.

Bass rolls in from the ocean,
moves to the tempo of night’s silver Queen.
Reflective flow of water music rises
and falls, bathes me in oblivion,
lulls me with a zephyr’s hum
and sunset’s spectral low frequency.

Dawn’s primal chords bring fresh rhythm
and chorus of birds chirping chant,
a new melody rises, breathes life into all.

In a dervish of electronic hums
weighty clouds amass.
A sorcerer’s cauldron of explosions,
lightning spits hi-fi to lo-fi
black clouds collide, drums roll….
as fearful beauty rises to a full crescendo.

Sunshine breaks through rains percussion.
Acoustic refractions beam a kaleidoscope
of rainbow coloured sounds.
Crystals caught in a blast of sun
after pitter-patter rhythm of the rain.

Stand firm, look up, see pulsars
all that sparkles in the dome of creation.
Fingers reach for sonic chords
orchestrated and exquisite, the music
of the Cosmos flows through us all.





Gael Bage


  1. Gael … I love your poetry.

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