Das Ohr / The ear / Urechea

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, translated German-English June 18, 2021











Das Ohr / The ear / Urechea

Wir halten das offene Ohr
an die Erde, sehr schwach
dringt ein Beben herauf
wie von hastig stampfenden Hämmern
weit über Land oder
Panzerketten, die blindwütig
Dörfer einebnen, wir halten
das offene Ohr an die Erde,
sehr schwach

Roland Erb


The ear

We keep the open ear
to the earth, very faint
a tremor comes up
as of hastily pounding hammers
far over land or
chains of tanks blindly leveling
villages, we keep
an open ear to the earth,
very faintly




Ținem urechea deschisă
la pământ, foarte slab
un tremur se simte
ca de ciocănele care bat în grabă
departe peste pamant sau
șenile de tancuri niveland orbește
satele, noi păstrăm
o ureche deschisă la pământ,
foarte slab

Translated by Maria Magdalena Biela

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