Poemul ca loz câştigător / The poem as a winning lottery

POSTED IN Romanian May 1, 2021










Poemul ca loz câştigător / The poem as a winning lottery

Vă spun:”E neagră”, însă nu e neagră.
Vă spun:”E cioară”, însă nu e cioară.
Ordinea ciorii negre este alta.

Vă spun:”E verde”, însă nu e verde.
Vă spun:”E iarnă”, însă nu e iarnă.
Dar eu posed acum o iarnă verde.

Poemul e un loz care câştigă
mereu. Jucaţi pe cioară: iată cioara.
Jucaţi pe mine: iat-o iarnă verde.

Esenţiala diferenţă dintre
aceste lucruri n-are corp: trăieşte
ca un abis cu buzele lipite.



The poem as a winning lottery

I’m telling you, “It’s black,” but it’s not black.
I’m telling you, “It’s a crow,” but it’s not a crow.
The order of the black crow is another.

I’m telling you, “It’s green,” but it’s not green.
I tell you, “It’s winter,” but it’s not winter.
But I now own a green winter.

The poem is a lottery that wins
always. Play on the crow: here is the crow.
Play on me: here’s a green winter.

The essential difference between
these things has no body: it lives
like an abyss with its lips glued together.

Translated by Maria Magdalena Biela

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