Sonet / Sonnet

POSTED IN translated Romanian-English July 17, 2015













Sonet / Sonnet

Surîd ? Obisnuinta… Cred c-as putea chiar rîde:
Tu spui cã-n cea mai dulce iubire-i o prigoanã ?
Îmî amintesc: pe-o veche si stranie icoanã
E un martir ce-si duce tãiatu-i cap la gâde.
Cu inima-mi asijderi s-a petrecut demult:
S-a strãmutat în tine si m-a lãsat strigoi…
Tu nu stii cã ea bate acuma pentru doi ?
Nu simti în piept adaos de glorios tumult ?
Necontenit în preajma-ti, sã sug rãsuflet, sînge,
M-aduce ca din groapa misterioasã sete…
Cînd plec, ajung acasã o umbra pe perete,
Ca-n palida icoanã ce-aievea mã rãsfrînge…
Zimbesc ? Obisnuinta… Cred c-as putea chiar rîde;
Stiu un nebun ce-si duce cap, inima… la gâde.



I smile? A habit only…I’d even laugh defiant:
You say that in the sweetest love is a grinding?
An ancient and strange icon is always reminding
of a martyr that’s carrying his severed head to the tyrant.
The same thing happened also to my heart long ago:
She moved inside your body and left me as a ghost…
Don’t you know that she’s beating for you and I the most?
Don’t you feel an odd beating in a tumultuous echo?
Unceasingly around you, to suck your breath, your blood,
A mystic thirst wakes me, as from grave I’d been brought…
A shadow on the wall I go home like a thought,
like in the pallid icon that mirrors my own mud…

I smile? A habit only…I’d even laugh defiant;
I know a madman carrying his head, heart…to the tyrant.



English version, Maria Magdalena Biela

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