Happy birthday, Hilja Onerva Lehtinen!

POSTED IN classic poetry, Spring, translated Finnish-English, translated Finnish-Romanian April 28, 2015














Tropiikin alla


Yhden kerran elämässä tuliruusu aukee
yhden yön se kukoistaa ja aamulla jo raukee
sill’ on syvä silmänluonti, kutsuva ja kuuma
sill’ on hehkuheteillänsä keskiöiden huuma

Sill’ on lehti verinen ja purppurainen huuli
sill’ on tuoksu huumava kuin kevätaron tuuli.
Taita tulikukkanen ja juo sen kuuma mesi
elä hetki, nauti hetki, kaadu paikallesi!


Hilja Onerva Lehtinen


At Tropics

Only once in a lifetime the fire-rose opens eyes
only for a night it blossoms and by morning dies
for one night it has a deep glance, calling through the fire
for one night its glowing stamens have midnight’s desire.

For one night a bloody petal and a purple lip,
its intoxicating fragrance, springtime’s windy steppe,
break away the burning flower, drink its essence fever
Live a moment, carpe diem and then die forever !


La Tropice

Un moment in asta viata roza de foc e in floare,
doar o noapte infloreste,pana dimineata moare;
isi deschide ochi adanci si chematori in soapte,
in stamine-are extazul miezului de noapte.

Are sangerie frunza, buze purpurii,
parfum orfic, vantul stepei verilor pustii.
Frange infocata floare, bea-i din trup esenta,
Fii si bucura-te-o clipa, uita-ti existenta!


Happy Eternity on your birthday, Hilja Onerva Lehtinen, the Fire Rose of Finnish poetry



Romanian and English versions by Maria Magdalena Biela

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