Yli metsän koitti

POSTED IN translated Finnish-English September 11, 2014











Yli metsän koitti jo päivän koi

Yli metsän koitti jo päivän koi
Kun nurmella neitonen kulki
Kukat kukkivat auki jo umput loi,
jotk’ eilen illalla sulki.

Ja neitonen nuori se nurmella vain
niin hiljaa, hiljaa astui,
ja kukkaset nyökkäsi kuiskuttain,
kun kasteesta helmat kastui.

Eino Leino


When over the woods

When over the woods the daylight was dawning
the young maid was walking on the grass,
the flowers already opened their buds-morning
that yesterday evening they had closed their eyes.

And the young maid on the grass was walking
so silently, so gently, so sweet
and the flowers whispering were nodding
when the hems, with dewdrops got wet.


translated by Maria Magdalena Biela

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