Written on the wind

POSTED IN Stories June 29, 2014













Written on the wind

Written on the wind the words came one day,
shivering, and tired, and confused.
Lost was their meaning, wand’ring all the way.
They fell on my lips deadly mused.

I’ve buried them kindly in my mind’s willing ear,
and I opened forgotten locked thoughts.
As a flame lights a shadow and the truth ends the fear,
I was hearing the connected dots.

They were telling a story that came from beyond,
from my people that wanted me free.
All their dying words were for me a blood bond,
a life breath, a life scent, a life plea.

So I’ve listened to the wind, that told me:”It’s time,
time for you to go and forget.
You belong to the rainbow, to the stars’ dust and chime,
to a world without fear and regret.

You shall fly once again to a land that’s unknown,
you shall open your heart yet again.
You shall love those new people and call them your own”.

Then I kissed the words with no pain.


Maria Magdalena Biela

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