despre iesirea din labirint / about getting out of the maze

POSTED IN Mariana Codrut February 14, 2022

despre iesirea din labirint / about getting out of the maze

sint in proprii ochi un contur instabil
si accept senina fatalitatea acestui gind.
doar stiu: ca sa poti vedea bine ceva,
distanta optima e absolut necesara.
(si cine-i in ochii lui un contur net?
cine-i departe de el insusi?
poate fericitul sau nebunul.)

cind insa nu gasesc claritatea,
cuvintele capabile sa prinda in plasa
corpul diafan si dur totodata
al unei tensiuni interioare,
sint ca insul ratacit in labirint:
cauta iesirea plin de angoasa fiindca
nu iubeste bîiguiala oraculara
a liniilor (ea numai pe cei fericiti
si pe nebuni ii scoate afara).

uneori, si un singur cuvint e de-ajuns
sa sparga zidul labirintului.
sau sa deseneze pentru mine o usa pe el.



about getting out of the maze

I am in my own eyes an unstable contour
and I accept serenely the fatality of this thought.
I only know: in order to see something well,
the optimal distance is absolutely necessary.
(and who is in his eyes a clear outline?
who is far from himself?
maybe the happy or the crazy.)

but when I don’t find the clarity,
the words capable of catching in the net
the ethereal and in the same time tough body
of an inner tension,
I’m like the fellow lost in the maze:
he seeks the exit full of anguish because
he doesn’t love the esoteric babbling
of the lines (she only brings out
the happy ones and the lunatics).

sometimes, one single word is enough
to break the wall of the maze.
or draw a door on it for me.

traducere, M. M. Biela

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