January, 2020


POSTED IN contemporary poetry January 17, 2020





















Powers below and powers above
He asked you to bring him me and my love.
He put a spell on me many lives past
asking for a love that will always last.

He opened the mysteries’ dark heavy door,
He wanted to see what his Fate had in store.
He willed Light and Shadow intertwine with my mind
asking candles’ flame burn searching for me to find.

In my sleep I felt his scent every night
and his fingers caressing my hair in dim light.
I missed him, the man I knew in my dreams,
when the morning life whispered: “it’s not what it seems”.

I lived a whole life with my eyes opened wide
in my nights while sleeping with a ghost on my side,
he came to my world or I traveled to his.
I was no more myself. I knew what love is.

I found the safe road for my chosen one
to come and to do what was long undone.
Truth, knowledge, feelings: it mattered not
all I wanted was him and this was all I’ve got.

My true other self who made me feel whole
came one day and smiling gave me his soul.
I knew who he was. I breathed and I felt
the dark nights of senses and his dreamy scent.

Maria Magdalena Biela

Oda (In Metru Antic) / Ode (In Antique Meter)

POSTED IN classic poetry January 15, 2020











Oda (In Metru Antic) / Ode (In Antique Meter)

Nu credeam să-nvăţ a muri vrodată;
Pururi tânăr, înfăşurat în manta-mi,
Ochii mei nălţam visători la steaua

Când deodată tu răsărişi în cale-mi,
Suferinţă tu, dureros de dulce…
Pân-în fund băui voluptatea morţii

Jalnic ard de viu chinuit ca Nessus.
Ori ca Hercul înveninat de haina-i;
Focul meu a-l stinge nu pot cu toate
Apele mării.

De-al meu propriu vis, mistuit mă vaiet,
Pe-al meu propriu rug, mă topesc în flăcări…
Pot să mai re’nviu luminos din el ca
Pasărea Phoenix?

Piară-mi ochii turburători din cale,
Vino iar în sân, nepăsare tristă;
Ca să pot muri liniştit, pe mine
Mie redă-mă!

………………………………. ……..
Ode (in antique meter)

Didn’t believe I’d ever learn to die;
Forever young, veiled in my toga,
My dreamy eyes I’ve raised to the star
Of solitude.

When suddenly you emerged in my way,
deep agony, you, painfully sweet…
To the bottom I drank the drought of death

Doleful I burn alive tortured like Nessus.
Or like Hercules poisoned by his cloak;
My ardor to quench I cannot with all
waters of the sea.

By my own dream devoured, I sigh and moan,
On my own pyre, I am melting in flames…
May I resurrect luminous from it, like
the Phoenix Bird?

Perish from my way the bewildering eyes,
Return to my heart, sweet indifference;
So I may peacefully die,
Myself give back to me!

English version, Maria Magdalena Biela
