September, 2015

Avem timp / We have time

POSTED IN translated Romanian-English September 25, 2015











Avem timp / We have time

Avem timp pentru toate.
Sa dormim, sa alergam în dreapta si-n stânga,
sa regretam c-am gresit si sa gresim din nou,
sa-i judecam pe altii si sa ne absolvim pe noi însine,
avem timp sa citim si sa scriem,
sa corectam ce-am scris, sa regretam ce-am scris,
avem timp sa facem proiecte si sa nu le respectam,
avem timp sa ne facem iluzii si sa rascolim prin cenusa lor mai tarziu.
Avem timp pentru ambitii si boli,
sa învinovatim destinul si amanuntele,
avem timp sa privim norii, reclamele sau un accident oarecare,
avem timp sa ne-alungam întrebarile, sa amânam raspunsurile,
avem timp sa sfarâmam un vis si sa-l reînventam,
avem timp sa ne facem prieteni, sa-i pierdem,
avem timp sa primim lectii si sa le uitam dupa-aceea,
avem timp sa primim daruri si sa nu le-ntelegem.
Avem timp pentru toate.
Nu e timp doar pentru putina tandrete.
Când sa facem si asta – murim.
Am învatat unele lucruri în viata pe care vi le împartasesc si voua!!
Am învatat ca nu poti face pe cineva sa te iubeasca
tot ce poti face este sa fii o persoana iubita.
Restul… depinde de ceilalti.
Am învatat ca oricât mi-ar pasa mie
altora s-ar putea sa nu le pese.
Am învatat ca dureaza ani sa câstigi încredere
si ca doar în câteva secunde poti sa o pierzi.
Am învatat ca nu conteaza CE ai în viata
ci PE CINE ai.
Am învatat ca te descurci si ti-e de folos farmecul cca. 15 minute
dupa aceea, însa, ar fi bine sa stii ceva.
Am învatat ca nu trebuie sa te compari cu ceea ce pot altii mai bine sa faca
ci cu ceea ce poti tu sa faci.
Am învatat ca nu conteaza ce li se întâmpla oamenilor
ci conteaza ceea ce pot eu sa fac pentru a rezolva.
Am învatat ca oricum ai taia
orice lucru are doua fete.
Am învatat ca trebuie sa te desparti de cei dragi cu cuvinte calde
s-ar putea sa fie ultima oara când ii vezi.
Am învatat ca poti continua înca mult timp
dupa ce ai spus ca nu mai poti.
Am învatat ca EROI sunt cei care fac ce trebuie, când trebuie
indiferent de consecinte.
Am învatat ca sunt oameni care te iubesc
dar nu stiu s-o arate.
Am învatat ca atunci când sunt suparat am dreptul sa fiu suparat
dar nu am dreptul sa fiu si rau.
Am învatat ca prietenia adevarata continua sa existe chiar si la distanta
iar asta este valabil si pentru iubirea adevarata.
Am învatat ca, daca cineva nu te iubeste cum ai vrea tu
nu înseamna ca nu te iubeste din tot sufletul.
Am învatat ca indiferent cât de bun iti este un prieten
oricum te va rani din când în când,
iar tu trebuie sa-l ierti pentru asta.
Am învatat ca nu este întotdeauna de ajuns sa fii iertat de altii
cateodata trebuie sa înveti sa te ierti pe tine însuti.
Am învatat ca indiferent cât de mult suferi,
lumea nu se va opri în loc pentru durerea ta.
Am învatat ca trecutul si circumstantele ti-ar putea influenta personalitatea
dar ca TU esti responsabil pentru ceea ce devii.
Am învatat ca, daca doi oameni se cearta, nu înseamna ca nu se iubesc
si nici faptul ca nu se cearta nu dovedeste ca se iubesc.
Am învatat ca uneori trebuie sa pui persoana pe primul loc
si nu faptele sale.
Am învatat ca doi oameni pot privi acelasi lucru
si pot vedea ceva total diferit.
Am învatat ca indiferent de consecinte
cei care sunt cinstiti cu ei însisi ajung mai departe în viata.
Am învatat ca viata îti poate fi schimbata în câteva ore
de catre oameni care nici nu te cunosc.
Am învatat ca si atunci când crezi ca nu mai ai nimic de dat
când te striga un prieten vei gasi puterea de a-l ajuta.
Am învatat ca scrisul ca si vorbitul
poate linisti durerile sufletesti.
Am învatat ca oamenii la care tii cel mai mult
îti sunt luati prea repede…
Am învatat ca este prea greu sa-ti dai seama
unde sa tragi linie între a fi amabil, a nu rani oamenii si a-ti sustine parerile.
Am învatat sa iubesc
ca sa pot sa fiu iubït.



We have time

We have time for everything
to sleep, to run right and left,
to regret our mistakes and to mistake again,
to judge others and to absolve
we have time to read and write,
to correct what we wrote,  to regret what we wrote,
we have time to make projects and to not respect them,
we have time to create illusions and to stir
their ashes later.

We have time for ambitions and illnesses,
to blame the destiny and the details,
we have time to watch the clouds, the advertisements or an accident
we have time to  banish our questions,
to delay the answers,
we have time to crash a dream and to reinvent it,
we have time to make friends, to lose them,
we have time to take lessons and to forget them
we have time to receive presents and to not understand them.
We have time for everything.

There is no time only for a little tenderness.
When we are about to do this also, we die.

I have learnt some things in life which
I will share with you!!
I’ve learnt that you cannot make someone love you
All you can do is to be a lovable person.
The rest…depends on others.
I’ve learnt that it matters not how much I care.
Others couldn’t care less.
I’ve learnt that it takes years to gain someone’s trust
only to lose it in a few seconds.
I’ve learnt that it matters not WHAT you have in life
but WHOM.
I’ve learnt that you can handle things by using your charm
aprox 15 minutes.
Well, after that, you better know something.
I’ve learnt that you mustn’t compare yourself against
what others can do better
rather than what you can do.
I’ve learnt that it matters not what happens
to people
It matters what I can do for them.

I’ve learnt that however you would cut
every thing has two faces.

I’ve learnt that you must part from the loved ones
with kind words
It may be the last time you see them.
I’ve learnt that you can go on way longer
after you said that you can’t anymore.
I’ve learnt that heroes are those who do what they have to do,
when they have to do it
in spite of the consequences.

I’ve learnt that there are people who love you
but they don’t know how to show it.
I’ve learnt that when I am upset I have THE RIGHT
to be upset
but I have no right to be mean.
I’ve learnt that the true friendship continues to exist
in spite of the distance
and this is valid also for the true love.
I’ve learnt that, if someone doesn’t love you the way you’d like
that doesn’t mean they don’t love you with their whole heart.
I’ve learnt that no matter how good a friend could be
they will hurt you anyway, from time to time.
and you must forgive them.
I’ve learnt that it isn’t enough to be forgiven
sometimes you must learn to forgive yourself.
I’ve learnt that it matters not how much you suffer
the world will not stop turning because of your pain.
I’ve learnt that the past and the circumstances could
influence your personality
but that YOU are responsible for what you’ll become.
I’ve learnt that if two people fight
that doesn’t mean they don’t love each other
and also if they don’t fight
doesn’t prove their love.
I’ve learnt that sometimes you must consider the person
and not their acts.

I’ve learnt that two people can watch the same thing
and see something totally different.
I’ve learnt that in spite of the consequences
those who are true to themselves
go further in life.
I’ve learnt that life as you know it
can be changed in a few hours
by people who do not even know you.
I’ve learnt that even then when you think
of having nothing to give
if a friend in need calls you
you will find the power to help.

I’ve learnt that writing
like talking
could ease the soul ache.

I’ve learnt that people whom you love the most
are taken away from you too soon…

I’ve learnt that it’s too difficult to know
where to draw the line between
being kind, not hurting people
and standing your ground.
I have learnt to love
so  I could be loved.

English version, Maria Magdalena Biela

Analfabetilor / You, illiterates

POSTED IN Stories September 21, 2015















Analfabetilor / You, illiterates


V-am spus ca sunt un om periculos
Si nu mi-ati luat avertismentu-n seama.
V-am spus s-aveti pentru persoana mea
Un plus de-ngrijorare si de teama.

V-am spus ca fac teribil de urât
De sunt calcat putin pe libertate.
V-am spus ca sunt osteanul credincios
Dar care doar cu inamici se bate.

V-am spus sa va astâmparati si voi,
Cenzori capriciosi ai vremii mele,
C-o sa va coste scump maruntul moft,
De a ne face noua zile grele.

V-am spus sa puneti mâna sa munciti.
Sa nu mai tot pânditi zelosi din umbra,
V-am spus ca n-o sa placa nimanui
Pornirea voastra, tulbure si sumbra.

V-am spus ca vremurile s-au schimbat
Si ca situatia e mai complexa,
Nu-i intelectualul – servitor.
Cultura nu-i ceva ca o anexa.

Si lumea nu se poate cuceri
Umflând la cifre si mimind tumulturi
Cu aroganti si trindavi doctoranzi,
Cu papagali care tin loc de vulturi.

V-am spus si am puterea sa mai spun
Ca nu încape muntele în sera
Ca prea-i scurt drumul de la rai la iad
Si de la caprioara la pantera.

V-am spus sa nu-l fetisizati pe Marx,
Sa nu-i pastrati în spirt învatatura
Si voi într-una fara sa-l cititi
Îl pomeniti pâna va doare gura.

V-am spus ca batalia pentru om
Nu iarta astazi nici o dezertare
Si voi v-ati decorat voi între voi
Când lupta este în desfasurare.

V-am spus ca muzica nu-i un microb
Care ameninta civilizatii
E-a omului pentru a fi mai bun,
V-am spus: ceva care sa-i placa dati-i.

V-am spus, concetateni analfabeti,
Si luati aminte si sa tineti minte.
Dar nu stiam ca v-ati nascut si surzi
Si scoateti arma când vedeti cuvinte.




I told you that I am a dangerous man
and you chose to ignore my righteous warning.
I told you be more cautious and afraid
when you speak and my person is concerning.

I told you that I terribly react
if you step on my freedom just a tad.
I told you that I am the faithful soldier
who’s fighting only foes, worst kind of lad.

I told you to calm down and to appease,
you, capricious censors of our age,
that you’ll pay dearly your petty caprice
to make our days much harder than a cage.

I told you to start working, really work,
and not lurk zealously behind our back.
I told you that nobody will ever like
your dreary tendency, troubled and dark.

I told you that the time of now has changed
and the lay of the land is more complex.
The intellectual is not a servant
and culture’s something more than an annex.

The world cannot be conquered only with
inflated figures, phony enthuse vox
with arrogant and lazy doctorands,
and parakeets  replacing eagle-hawks.

I told you and I have the guts to tell
that in a greenhouse cannot fit the mount,
that is too short the path: Eden to Hell
and from the doe to panther in a hunt.

I told you to not fetishize Marx, and
to not preserve his teaching in a jar.
But without reading him, you, on and on,
quote him until your tired mouths have scar.

I told you that the battle for mankind
allows not a desertion nowadays,
but you awarded medals to yourselves,
while the battle goes on many ways.

I told you music isn’t a disease
that threatens our old civilization.
It’s for the humankind, to make them better,
I told you: give it the best of a nation.

I told you, fellow citizens, illiterates
forever to remember and beware!
But I didn’t know that you’re born deaf
and fire a gun when words are in the air.



Romanian version Maria Magdalena Biela

Analfabetilor / You, illiterates

POSTED IN translated Romanian-English September 21, 2015


Analfabetilor / You, illiterates

V-am spus ca sunt un om periculos
Si nu mi-ati luat avertismentu-n seama.
V-am spus s-aveti pentru persoana mea
Un plus de-ngrijorare si de teama.

V-am spus ca fac teribil de urât
De sunt calcat putin pe libertate.
V-am spus ca sunt osteanul credincios
Dar care doar cu inamici se bate.

V-am spus sa va astâmparati si voi,
Cenzori capriciosi ai vremii mele,
C-o sa va coste scump maruntul moft,
De a ne face noua zile grele.

V-am spus sa puneti mâna sa munciti.
Sa nu mai tot pânditi zelosi din umbra,
V-am spus ca n-o sa placa nimanui
Pornirea voastra, tulbure si sumbra.

V-am spus ca vremurile s-au schimbat
Si ca situatia e mai complexa,
Nu-i intelectualul – servitor.
Cultura nu-i ceva ca o anexa.

Si lumea nu se poate cuceri
Umflând la cifre si mimind tumulturi
Cu aroganti si trindavi doctoranzi,
Cu papagali care tin loc de vulturi.

V-am spus si am puterea sa mai spun
Ca nu încape muntele în sera
Ca prea-i scurt drumul de la rai la iad
Si de la caprioara la pantera.

V-am spus sa nu-l fetisizati pe Marx,
Sa nu-i pastrati în spirt învatatura
Si voi într-una fara sa-l cititi
Îl pomeniti pâna va doare gura.

V-am spus ca batalia pentru om
Nu iarta astazi nici o dezertare
Si voi v-ati decorat voi între voi
Când lupta este în desfasurare.

V-am spus ca muzica nu-i un microb
Care ameninta civilizatii
E-a omului pentru a fi mai bun,
V-am spus: ceva care sa-i placa dati-i.

V-am spus, concetateni analfabeti,
Si luati aminte si sa tineti minte.
Dar nu stiam ca v-ati nascut si surzi
Si scoateti arma când vedeti cuvinte.



You, illiterates

I told you that I am a dangerous man
and you chose to ignore my righteous warning.
I told you be more cautious and afraid
when you speak and my person is concerning.

I told you that I terribly react
if you step on my freedom just a tad.
I told you that I am the faithful soldier
who’s fighting only foes, worst kind of lad.

I told you to calm down and to appease,
you, capricious censors of our age,
that you’ll pay dearly your petty caprice
to make our days much tighter than a cage.

I told you to start working, really work,
and not lurk zealously behind our back.
I told you that no one will ever like
your dreary tendency, troubled and dark.

I told you that the time of now has changed
and the lay of the land is more complex.
The intellectual is not a servant
and culture’s something more than an annex.

The world cannot be conquered only with
inflated figures, phony enthused vox
with arrogant and lazy doctorates,
and parakeets replacing eagle-hawks.

I told you and I have the guts to tell
that in a greenhouse cannot fit the mount,
that is too short the path: Eden to Hell
and from the doe to panther in a hunt.

I told you to not fetishize Marx, and
to not preserve his teaching in a jar.
But without reading him, you, on and on,
quote him until your tired mouth has scar.

I told you that the battle for mankind
allows not a desertion nowadays,
but you awarded medals to yourselves,
while the battle goes on many ways.

I told you music isn’t a disease
that threatens our old civilization.
It’s for the humankind, to make them better,
I told you: give it the best of a nation.

I told you, fellow citizens, illiterates
forever to remember and beware!
But I knew not that you were born deaf
and fire arms when words are in the air.

Romanian version Maria Magdalena Biela

On his birthday

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, Stories September 19, 2015












On his birthday
A happy birthday to you, my heart beat!
May love and laughter light your every day!
May peace and wisdom bless your every way,
and may you never steal, or lie, or cheat!

Your eyes are filled with playful, candid light,
and Night, from your hair, shiny colours borrows,
and your soul pledged to Fate solemn and tight
to be forever honest, true to heart,
so  if you must steal, steal away my sorrows.

And every day we grow older together,
we change with age but Time we shall defeat
and we shall be eternal wind and feather,
and never shall we lose our faith and wit
for if you must lie, lie with me my sweet.

A year from now you’ll read these words again
and you will wish: may the birthday that follows
bring other songs but always same refrain:
be always my Spring, my Green, my Crane!
And if you must cheat, cheat all Death’s tomorrows!

May you never steal, or lie, or cheat,
but if you must steal, steal away my sorrows,
and if you must lie, lie with me, my sweet,
and if you must cheat, cheat all Death’s tomorrows,
for, without you, my soul feels incomplete.



Prieteni de-o viata / Lifetime friends

POSTED IN Stories September 14, 2015














Prieteni de-o viata / Lifetime friends

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 14, 2015













Prieteni de-o viata / Lifetime friends


Moarte, te văd mereu sucita.

Te înţeleg, ţi-e greu, esti prea trudita.

Ia-ţi o vacanta, pleacă la mare,

Munca-ti e grea, e-obositoare.


Hai la un croissant si o cafea,

Vino far’ de coasa, mai uita de ea!

Ia-ţi o ţinută mai tinerească,

Lasă copiii să te indrageasca.


Ce Dumnezeu, parc-ai fost blestemată

Să tot alergi din soartă-n soartă.

De vii pe la mine, eu te-oi omeni,

Am vinuri bune, oare ce-i pofti?


Te astept sa vii la ceas de seară,

S-o facem lată, pe prispă afară.

Ti-oi face-o cafea amara, turcească,

cu un trabuc, să te mai răcorească.


De vii la mine, ne tocmim de-acum,

Iţi bei cafeaua şi iti vezi de drum.

Facem un targ: iti ghicesc in cafea,

Iara tu te prefaci a ma uita.


De-o viaţă întreagă mă tot trudesc

Cum să fac oare să te talmacesc?

Poate in ceasca-ti ma vad stingher.

Ce ganduri ai cu mine, ma chére?


Te cunosc, Moarte, de cand m-am nascut,

Am mers mana-n mana de la inceput.

Am privit in doi spre acelasi Cer bland

Tu stiind raspunsuri, eu neintreband.


Imbatrinaram, trebaluind.

Eu cu traitul, tu tot cosind.

Ramas-am singuri: tu si eu, in zenit,

Si-o cafea neagra pentru cetit.





Lifetime friends


Death dear, I see you are always sad

I understand you’re old and things got bad.

Take a vacation, go and see the Sea,

Your work is demanding, tiring, I agree.


Would you like a coffee and a baguette?

Come and, please, about your scythe forget!

Take a more youthful outfit, my dear,

Let children learn to love you more than fear.


Why in Heaven were you damned with hate

To run back and forth from fate to fate?

When you’ll come to me I’ll welcome you,

Tasty wines I have, for your review.


I’ll be waiting for you by twilight,

To go crazy on the porch outside.

I’ll make you a Turkish coffee thrill

And a good cigar to help you chill.


So, if you come, shall we bargain now:

Drink your coffee and I’ll tell you: Ciao!

Let’s agree now: I will read your coffee

And you will pretend to forget of me!


My whole life I tried and tried again

How to understand your loss and gain?

Maybe in your cup I’ll see, right there,

What on Earth you think of me, ma chére?


I know you, Death, since my day of birth.

We walked ever since hand in hand this Earth.

We both looked towards the same kind Heaven,

You knowing all answers, me not asking even.


We became older in work being caught.

I with the living, you mowing the lot.

And now, alone, you and I have a date,

And a black coffee to read the Fate.



Maria Magdalena Biela


If need be

POSTED IN Stories September 13, 2015













If need be

Candle light, candle glow,
inner sight, will to know,
healing light surround me now,
relieve my Spirit’s darkest vow.

I am the Earth, centred and strong,
I am the vessel for good and wrong,
the human soul roots grow deep through me.
If need be.

I am the Air, I sense every thrill.
My mind is keen to reveal the true will.
To melt myself into candlelight plea.
If need be.

I am the Fire, I’ve powers within
to know my true self, to burn and to win.
To act upon Fate I want to break free.
If need be.

I am the Water, calm and serene.
I see into my depths all the unseen.
The Threefold law I multiply by three
If need be.

I am soft of eye and light of  touch.
I speak a little, I listen much.
I am the Spirit of the true will free
If need be.

Candle light, candle glow,
inner sight, will to know,
healing light surround me now:
my spirit is free of its darkest vow.





Maria Magdalena Biela

Symptom Recital

POSTED IN classic poetry September 13, 2015











Symptom recital

I do not like my state of mind;
I’m bitter, querulous, unkind.
I hate my legs, I hate my hands,
I do not yearn for lovelier lands.
I dread the dawn’s recurrent light;
I hate to go to bed at night.
I snoot at simple, earnest folk.
I cannot take the gentlest joke.
I find no peace in paint or type.
My world is but a lot of tripe.
I’m disillusioned, empty-breasted.
For what I think, I’d be arrested.
I am not sick, I am not well.
My quondam dreams are shot to hell.
My soul is crushed, my spirit sore;
I do not like me any more.
I cavil, quarrel, grumble, grouse.
I ponder on the narrow house.
I shudder at the thought of men….
I’m due to fall in love again.

Dorothy Parker




Letter from Heaven / Scrisoare din Cer

POSTED IN Stories September 13, 2015

Letter from Heaven























Scrisoare din Cer

Cand maine-ncepe far’ de mine
si nu-s aici sa vad lumini
cum soarele rasare
si-ti da o sarutare
pe ochii dragi, de lacrimi plini,

as vrea atat sa nu mai plangi,
asa cum plangi si azi pesemne,
gandindu-te: ce multe lucruri
sa-mapartasim n-avuram vreme.

Stiu cat de mult tu ma iubesti,
asa cum te iubesc si eu.
Mereu, la mine cand gandesti,
Stiu, iti lipsesc si imi lipsesti.

Cand maine-ncepe far’ de mine,
nu te gandi la despartire;
in inima-ti si-orice gandire,
exist si eu, si-mi este bine.

Maria Magdalena Biela

A question / O intrebare

POSTED IN translated English-Romanian September 8, 2015













A question

A voice said, Look me in the stars
And tell me truly, men of earth,
If all the soul-and-body scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.

Robert Frost

O intrebare

Aud: Priviti-ma in astre
si drept graiti, voi, pamanteni
de-i dreapta plata vietii voastre
cu trup si suflet adanci rani.

Romanian version Maria Magdalena Biela
