August, 2013

In my secret forest

POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 3, 2013











In my secret forest

In my secret forest
at the bottom of my garden
I discovered a shell

It was empty

Yet when I held it
to my ear
I found it filled with sound

The swirling ocean
rushing, roaring, crashing
on to the beach

The whistling of the wind
whipping up the sand
stinging my eyes

Oh no!

I quickly dropped the shell
and all was calm again

I tasted a salty tear
dislodged by the sands
of my imagination

Rubbed my red rimmed eyes
as if I really had
swam in the ocean

Held my face up to the breeze
swung my arms and danced
along the beach

rejoicing in my freedom

The shell fell silent
in my secret forest
at the bottom of my garden

A gift from the sea
longing for me

to pick it up once more
and let the genie free.


Amanda Edwards
