July, 2013

We are Love…

POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 26, 2013



We Are Love…

We’d dance in and out of one another’s
space, whether here or across town
Telewaving energy, we’d light up, people
near us would give a big smile, or
Initiate conversation about the weather
or angels or the sunset and smile
They’d always smile, great spontaneous
smiles that simply reflected the light
They were seeing in us, magnetic light
that seemed to follow us, to announce
Our presence, to precipitate this energy.

We Are Love…
It was as if we were always making love
as if love surrounded us with an
Ambiance that was palpable, one coming
in contact with this energy was
Actually touched…physically touched
merely by our presence and they’d
Smile, they’d always smile and we’d
elevate again, their contact high
Would lift us and keep us up there
in the sky…”in the sky with Lucy.”
There was no external agent but love…

We Are Love…
Knowing this simple Truth became
illuminating in and of itself
This en-light-enment became more
clearly ourselves and as
We raised our vision from the
foreground to the horizon
We found those smiles had become
ours and beneath them
Rumbled “delicious laughter” coming
from deep within our souls
Rising into the Light of this new
dimension of Love…We Know..!

We Are Love…
And knowing allowed us to give of
this Love to our community
In such a manner and with so much
obvious joy that who we
Were became a centering and a
compliment…the community
Itself became Love and Loving in
this manner begat great waves
Of delicious laughter and smiles were
filling most moments of most
Days as Love gave its Soul to face
after face…communication’s
sweetest Grace… Yes!

We Are Love…
Upon our altar, our bed
egos have let go
We are elementals
in relationship
There is no need greater than
The One…
The Beloved
has entered into our play
There is no separation
no boundary…no wall
We are not we
We are One!

We are Love!


Qutbuddin Loren Ruh Smith

A lighthouse

POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 24, 2013









A lighthouse

A lighthouse stands alone
on a rocky promontory
flashes intermittently
a ribbon of radiance
in the inky blackness of the night

A ship frantic in the storm
searches for sanctuary
exposed like a hapless moth
drawn towards the light

Ignores the warning
“Not here … not here … not here”
but lured by a false God
is tossed ever nearer

“Be sure the light you have
is not your darkness”
Let not Neptune’s fury
dash all hope upon the rocks.


Amanda Edwards

You are…

POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 24, 2013












You are…

You are the light
that brightens my soul
you chase away my shadows
a warm and golden glow

you are my tinker bell
and I shall always believe
in fairies.



Amanda Edwards

And your eyes…

POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 24, 2013









And your eyes…

And your eyes
From your photograph
look into me
I imagine them two brown caverns
beckoning me to fall into the embrace
of your visions
Those eyes caress like two hands
and stare through me
in me
they are x-rays cameras
that seek my soul
showing all the bones and guts of my being
they reflect your inner light
they are spears
and heartbeat detectors
magic lanterns
I beg them to lie to me
To lie and say they are for me alone
That they will never see as much
in any other life
as I would let you see into the place
where my demons reside
those brown eyes command the truth
command love
speak without mouths
break my heart and mend it
They should be kissed
and treasured
and touched by breath of angels
if I am lost
find me in your eyes
take me to heaven
with your memories
to the birth place of your eyes
or cast me down
and damn me with your anger
murder me with such eyes
and I die enraptured
with saintly visions that issue
from your eyes
I will ever be scarred
in my chest, that place
where your eyes pierced me
and resurrected me.




POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 23, 2013












Innocent are they who cause no harm,

Nor seek to bind with artifice or charm,

But loving all of life in pure delight,

Play free in day and sleep in peace at night.


Magic is the breeze of summer air;

that ocean, field, and summit all caress,

that bears the hawk and eagle high in flight,

while butterfly and flower are gently kissed.


Grace to all that live and wander free,

Trusting the heart to take them where it will,

they leave their bodies open to the light

to drink of love until their hearts are filled,

then pass like beauty flowing in the wind.


More than mortal thought can bind in lines,

the light that makes them sighted that are blind,

sacred is life in songs that poets bring,

in words that light our tongues with spirit fire.


I knowing this though fearful will attend,

to bless will blessing gain to bless again

to give and want no more than this dark hill

a heart to love, a quiet place to dwell.


Alexander Anlyan


POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 23, 2013










our journeys were rough
the roads were long
the monsters were there
to abuse us all along

the rage I feel
will never be healed
my inner demons
I try to slay
but not now
maybe later…
maybe someday

parents who don’t care
they’re never around
molesters and rapists
their victims found
priests in their cloaks
with choir boys on holy ground
cops in their squad cars
with the sirens on

the rage I feel
will never be healed
my inner demons
I try to slay
but not now
maybe later…
maybe someday

with their shit programs
TV numbs my brain
death squads run free
that the government trained
stealing money from us all
the taxman explains
selling us out
politicians can’t refrain
like a lost cause
can’t be sustained

the rage I feel
will never be healed
my inner demons I try to slay
but not now
maybe later…
maybe someday



Glen Alexander


POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 23, 2013



Traveler between
This world
And that
I am receding
Five times speed of light
Distant planet
In my sight
Crash landed
There is no pain
I am gone
Spirit lives on
I am receding
Million times the speed of light
Distant universe
I am light
A child looks at a star
Wonders what and why
Who is the ghost
In the night sky

Glen Alexander


POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 23, 2013


I wish you well
for those of you
living on the edge
of the night
of a knife
of being
of have been
the night is dark
but never black
keep going
don’t look back
one step
then the next
your last chance
once you know
what life is about
you can’t come back
banished from society
an outcast
you’ll be
with the gods
to be


Glen Alexander



Somewhere I Have Never Traveled

POSTED IN classic poetry July 23, 2013














Somewhere I Have Never Traveled

somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which I cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look easily will unclose me
though I have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose

or if your wish be to close me, I and
my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the color of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(I do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands


e. e. cummings

Getting Off the Bus

POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 22, 2013









Getting Off the Bus

Pomegranate and pale green leaves
shimmer their bean shapes on the brick
wall, anchored by ancient stems twisted
like rage. They beat out an endless
message of “look at me” and true, it is
impossible to look away.

Other leaves broad, webbed, open
palms in mid-slap shiver on each side
of the road. The fanned branches
capture an engaging light, an easing
of the sun into its horizon.

All the miracles that haven’t healed me
are off the bus. All I have to do is
step down and breathe. Help me.



Tobi Cogswell
