contemporary poetry

“Questa notte e tornata la pioggia…” / “This night the rain is back …”

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, translated Italian-English April 2, 2019












“Questa notte e tornata la pioggia…” / “This night the rain is back …”

Questa notte è tornata a trovarmi la pioggia.
Mi sveglia il suo canto sulle foglie del faggio
come lento lacrimare di donna che piange
un’inquietudine notturna che non so domare.

“Ed evoco memorie
di giorni lontani e persi
di una bimba solitaria
sul greto del ruscello
che soffiava semi al vento
per far fiorire il cielo
e invocava la pioggia
come una preghiera
che gli lavasse il viso
dal salmastro secco del pianto
che la trascinasse lontano
come foglia nel fiume in piena.”

Ora ascolto e taccio.
Tra poco sarà chiaro,
sarà alba,
con occhi consapevoli e diversi
guarderò la pioggia
formare una pozzanghera a specchio
dove un cielo
scuro e senza sogni
si rifletterà
sognando un diverso paradiso.

Grazia Montanaro Lombardi
“This night the rain is back …”

This night is back to find me the rain.
His song wakes me up on the leaves of the beech tree
as a slow weeping of a crying woman
a nocturnal anxiety that I cannot tame.

“And I evoke memories
of distant and lost days
of a lonely child
on the stream bed
blowing seeds in the wind
to make the sky blossom
and invoked the rain
like a prayer
to wash the face
from the dry brackish of weeping
that dragged her away
like a leaf in the river in flood. ”

Now listen and keep silent.
Soon it will be clear,
it will be dawn,
with conscious and different eyes
I’ll watch the rain
forming a mirror puddle
where a sky
dark and without dreams
will be reflected
dreaming of a different paradise.

Maria Magdalena

Quelle come me…/ Those like me …/ Ceux comme moi…/ Cele ca mine…

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, translated Italian-English, translated Italian-Romanian, translated Romanian-French March 30, 2019

Quelle come me…/ Those like me …/ Ceux comme moi…/ Cele ca mine…

Quelle che come me
che si truccano la bocca a sorriso
spesso hanno lacrime secche
agli angoli degli occhi, e ciglia
impastate da grumi di rimmel,
che cola in rivoli e va ad arginarsi
agli angoli dalla bocca ,mischiandosi
al sapore del rossetto con cui
si stavano truccando, e tra il salato
delle lacrime e il dolce del rossetto
si stampano sopra il volto quel sorriso
dal sapore dolceamaro, che esibiscono
al mondo per nascondere il dolore.

Quelle come me con l’anima sbrindellata
Si creano un sorriso e camminano per il mondo.

Those like me …

Those like me
that make-up the mouth with a smile
they often have dry tears
at the corners of the eyes, and eyelashes
kneaded with lumps of rimmel,
flowing in the streams and going to the embankment
at the corners of the mouth, mixing
with the taste of the lipstick, with which
they were putting on makeup, and between the salty
tears and the sweetness of lipstick
that smile is printed over the face
bittersweet taste, which they exhibit
in the world to hide the pain.

Those like me with a tattered soul
They create a smile and walk around the world.
Ceux comme moi…

Ceux comme moi
qui maquille la bouche avec un sourire
ils ont souvent des larmes sèches
au coin des yeux et des cils
malaxé avec des morceaux de rimmel,
qui coule dans les ruisseaux et va au remblai
aux coins de la bouche, en mélangeant
au goût de rouge à lèvres avec lequel
ils se maquillaient et parmi le salé
des larmes et la douceur du rouge à lèvres
ce sourire est imprimé sur le visage
goût aigre-doux, qu’ils présentent
dans le monde pour cacher la douleur.

Ceux comme moi avec une âme en lambeaux
Ils créent un sourire et font le tour du monde..
Cele ca mine…

Cele ca mine
care isi machiaza gura cu un suras
au adesea lacrimi uscate
la coltul ochilor si genele
amestecate cu bucati de rimel
care curge in rauri si merge spre digul
de la colturile gurii, amestecandu-se
cu gustul rujului cu care
s-au machiat si printre sarea
lacrimilor si dulceata rujului
acest suras se imprima pe fata
gustul dulce-amar, pe care ele il prezinta
lumii spre a acunde durerea.

Cele ca mine cu un suflet zdrentuit
Isi creaza un suras si fac inconjurul lumii…

Maria Magdalena

Love / Iubire

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, Stories March 29, 2019












Love / Iubire

You shudder
feeling disolved
only the wedding ring
heavy like the
wholly matrimony
remains of you.
No begging
no mercy
only the shudder
and the consuming flame
to hurt.
I breake you
and search
until I find
the soul
then I take your shattered
piece by piece,
my lips are fingers,
I make you
whole again.


simtind dizolvarea
doar verigheta
grea precum
sfintei casatorii
mai ramane din tine.
Fara implorari
fara mila
doar tremurul
si flacara mistuitoare
de a rani.
Te sparg in bucati
si caut
pana gasesc
apoi iau fiinta ta
bucata cu bucata,
buzele sunt degete,
te fac din nou

A mea.

Maria Magdalena

La pazza…/ The mad

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, translated Italian-English March 28, 2019












La pazza…/ The mad

Sono io la pazza…
la furiosa dissennata,
quella che nascosta
dietro a un velo di normalità
vive e si nutre d’emozioni.

Sono io la cacciatrice
di sogni e di chimere
che per un pugno di parole
si lascia stropicciare il cuore.

Son sempre io
quella che nel silenzio
per soffocare l’urlo
che da dentro sale,
per confondere il dolore,
si chiude la bocca con i polsi
e si lacera a morsi
le sue stesse vene.

Si, sono io quella pazza
la cacciatrice di sogni
che ogni notte si acceca
con la polvere di stelle
della sua stessa pazzia.

Grazia Montanaro Lombardi

The mad…

I am the mad …
the furious insane,
the one that hidden
behind a veil of normality
lives and feeds on emotions.

I am the huntress
of dreams and chimeras
that for a handful of words
let the heart wrinkle.

It is always me
the one that in the silence
to suffocate the scream
that climbs from inside,
to confuse the pain,
closes the mouth with the wrists
and tears herself to pieces
her own veins.

Yes, I am the insane one
the dream huntress
that every night is blinded
with stardust
of her own madness.

Maria Magdalena


POSTED IN contemporary poetry March 21, 2019












It was like a shell
without a pearl
like a tree
without buds
like a womb
without a child
like a chest
without soul
like a throat
without sound
like a mouth
without words
like eyes
without light
like ears
without hearing
like fingers
without caresses
like lips
without kisses
like hair
without wind
like the foot
without ground
like the sea
without waves
like the earth
without the dead
like Heaven
without God.

Where? Where from? Where to?


Maria Magdalena

First fig

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, translated English-Romanian March 1, 2019












First fig

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—
It gives a lovely light!

Edna St. Vincent Millay
Primul smochin

Lumanarea-mi va conteni;
In noapte n-o sa tina;
Dar ah, dusmani, si oh, prieteni –
Da o dulce lumina!

Vintage Print

Keeping Things Whole / Pastrand lucrurile intregi

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, translated English-Romanian February 16, 2019











Keeping Things Whole / Pastrand lucrurile intregi

In a field
I am the absence
of field.
This is
always the case.
Wherever I am
I am what is missing.

When I walk
I part the air
and always
the air moves in
to fill the spaces
where my body’s been.

We all have reasons
for moving.
I move
to keep things whole.

Mark Strand
Pastrand lucrurile intregi

Intr-un spatiu
Eu sunt absenta
se intampla mereu.
Oriunde as fi
sunt ceea ce lipseste.

Cand merg
despart aerul
si mereu
aerul reintra
sa umple spatiile
pe unde trupul meu a fost.

Noi toti avem motive
sa ne miscam.
Eu ma misc
spre a pastra lucrurile intregi.

Vintage Print

The human “race”

POSTED IN contemporary poetry February 13, 2019













The human “race”

Maybe that’s why it is called human race: we are racing each other to the top, we are running, always in a hurry, towards what? The final destination? We talk in a hurry, we shorten the words, we eat in a hurry, we sleep in a hurry, we live with the light speed…I watch people, crowds or singles and I would like to scream: FREEZE! STOP for a moment and breathe….IN and OUT…IN and OUT…look around, watch and see, notice, observe…
The taxi you run after will go but another will come…so it goes for the bus, train, plaines, wives, husbands, boyfriends, gilrfriends, jobs, deadlines, meetings, money, properties…everything is replaceable but you are not…your life is given only once, you don’t get second or third chances…

Don’t waste this priceless gift called Life in petty jealousies, anger, hate, senseless competitions, faking feelings, faking friends, faking yourself until you don’t know who is that person in the mirror and who is that person in society: is it one and the same or a double personality?

We are overdozed by using mobiles and computers, we forgot to really watch each other in the eye and talk, real words not SMS, to hold hands for real and smell the scent of seasons in real life not the virtual one.

Sing like no one is listening, love like you’ve never done before, dance like nobody’s watching, live like it’s your last day on earth…

Vintage Print

January snow

POSTED IN contemporary poetry January 27, 2019


January snow
















































Vintage print

January born

POSTED IN contemporary poetry January 17, 2019

January born











































