translated English-Romanian

since feeling is first / intrucat sentimentul este primul

POSTED IN classic poetry, translated English-Romanian March 17, 2019













since feeling is first / intrucat sentimentul este primul


since feeling is first
who pays any attention
to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you;

wholly to be a fool
while Spring is in the world

my blood approves,
and kisses are a better fate
than wisdom
lady i swear by all the flowers. Don’t cry
– the best gesture of my brain is less than
your eyelids’ flutter which says

we are for each other: then
laugh, leaning back in my arms
for life’s not a paragraph

and death i think is no parenthesis


intrucat sentimentul este primul


intrucat sentimentul este primul
care da vreo atentie
sintaxei lucrurilor
nu te voi saruta deplin nicicand:

pe deplin sa fii un naiv
cand Primavara este in Lume

sangele meu accepta,
si sarutarile sunt o soarta mai buna
decat intelepciunea
doamna jur pe toate florile. Nu plange
-cel mai bun gest al creierului meu este mai putin decat
tremurul pleoapele tale care spune

suntem unul pentru altul: atunci
razi, arcuieste-te in bratele mele
caci viata nu-i un paragraf

si moartea cred nu-i o paranteza


Maria Magdalena

may i feel said he / as putea simti spuse el

POSTED IN classic poetry, translated English-Romanian March 17, 2019











may i feel said he / as putea simti spuse el

may i feel said he
(i’ll squeal said she
just once said he)
it’s fun said she

(may i touch said he
how much said she
a lot said he)
why not said she

(let’s go said he
not too far said she
what’s too far said he
where you are said she)

may i stay said he
which way said she
like this said he
if you kiss said she

may i move said he
is it love said she)
if you’re willing said he
(but you’re killing said she

but it’s life said he
but your wife said she
now said he)
ow said she

(tiptop said he
don’t stop said she
oh no said he)
go slow said she

(cccome?said he
ummm said she)
you’re divine!said he
(you are Mine said she)



as putea simti spuse el


as putea simti spuse el
(voi tipa spuse ea
numai o data spuse el
e hazliu spuse ea)
(as putea atinge spuse el
cat de mult spuse ea
mult spuse el)
de ce nu spuse ea
(hai sa mergem spuse el
nu prea departe spuse ea
ce-i prea departe spuse el
unde esti tu spuse ea)

as putea sta spuse el
cum spuse ea
asa spuse el
daca saruti spuse ea

as putea sa ma misc spuse el
este dragoste spuse ea
daca vrei spuse el
(dar tu ucizi spuse ea

pai asta-i viata spuse el
dar sotia ta spuse ea
acum spuse el)
au spuse ea

(perfect spuse el
nu te opri spuse ea
o nu spuse el)
usurel spuse ea

(vvvvii? spuse el
Ummm spuse ea)
esti divina! spuse el
(esti al Meu spuse ea)


Maria Magdalena

When We Were Very Young / Cand eram foarte tineri

POSTED IN classic poetry, translated English-Romanian March 16, 2019












When We Were Very Young / Cand eram foarte tineri


She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbour:
“Winter is dead.”

A.A. Milne

Purta galbena-i palarie
Si cea mai verde gateala;
Se-ntoarse spre vantul de sud
Intr-o plecaciune regala.
Se-ntoarse apoi spre soare
Si-si clatina capu-aurit,
Si-i murmura vecinului :
« Iarna-a murit ! »


Maria Magdalena

sweet spring / dulcea primavara

POSTED IN classic poetry, translated English-Romanian March 16, 2019













sweet spring

sweet spring is your
time is my time is our
time for springtime is lovetime
and viva sweet love

(all the merry little birds are
flying in the floating in the
very spirits singing in
are winging in the blossoming)

lovers go and lovers come
awandering awondering
but any two are perfectly
alone there’s nobody else alive

(such a sky and such a sun
i never knew and neither did you
and everybody never breathed
quite so many kinds of yes)

not a tree can count his leaves
each herself by opening
but shining who by thousands mean
only one amazing thing

(secretly adoring shyly
tiny winging darting floating
merry in the blossoming
always joyful selves are singing)

sweet spring is your
time is my time is our
time for springtime is lovetime
and viva sweet love”

e. e. cummings

Dulcea primavara e timpul tau
e timpul meu e al nostru timp
caci primavara e iubire
si viva iubirea dulce

(Toate pasarile mici vesele
zboara-n plutire si-n
spiritele cantand
sunt aripi in inflorire)

Iubiti pleaca, iubiti vin
ratacind in mirare
insa orice doi sunt perfect
singuri nimeni altul nu exista

(asa un cer si-asa un soare
nu am stiut si nici tu
si toti nicicand n-au respirat
atat de multe feluri de da)

nu-i copac sa-si poate numara frunzele
fiecare deschizandu-se usor
dar care stralucind cu miile
inseamna doar un lucru uimitor

(in secret adorand timid
aripi mici repezit zburand
vesele in inflorire
mereu bucuros sinele cantand)

Dulcea primavara e timpul tau
e timpul meu e al nostru timp
caci primavara e iubire
si viva iubirea dulce

Maria Magdalena

Promises Like Pie-Crust / Promisiuni precum coaja de placinta

POSTED IN classic poetry, translated English-Romanian March 2, 2019












Promises Like Pie-Crust / Promisiuni precum coaja de placinta

(Promises Like Pie-Crust – made to be broken – English saying
Promisiuni precum coaja de placinta – facute spre a fi sfaramate – proverb englez)

Promise me no promises,
So will I not promise you:
Keep we both our liberties,
Never false and never true:
Let us hold the die uncast,
Free to come as free to go:
For I cannot know your past,
And of mine what can you know?

You, so warm, may once have been
Warmer towards another one:
I, so cold, may once have seen
Sunlight, once have felt the sun:
Who shall show us if it was
Thus indeed in time of old?
Fades the image from the glass,
And the fortune is not told.

If you promised, you might grieve
For lost liberty again:
If I promised, I believe
I should fret to break the chain.
Let us be the friends we were,
Nothing more but nothing less:
Many thrive on frugal fare
Who would perish of excess.

Christina Georgina Rossetti

Promisiuni precum coaja de placinta

Promite-mi sa nu-mi promiti,
Astfel nici eu nu-ti promit:
Sa fim doua libertati,
nicicand fals, nicicand cinstit:

Tinem zarul nearuncat,
Liber pleci si liber vii:
Nu-i trecutu-ti descifrat,
Iar de-al meu ce poti tu sti?

Tu, cald, poate-ai fost alt’ data
mai cald cu-o alta unit:
eu, rece, vazui vreodata
soarele, l-oi fi simtit.
Cin’ ne poate arata
cum a fost timpul apus?
Stinsa e imaginea
Si norocul nu-i de spus.

De promiti ca-i fi-ntristat
pentru fosta libertate:
De.oi promite framantat
Ca rup lanturile toate
Prieteni putem ramane,
Nici mai mult nici mai putin:
Multi prospera doar cu paine
Cine-ar pieri din prea plin.

Vintage Print

First fig

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, translated English-Romanian March 1, 2019












First fig

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—
It gives a lovely light!

Edna St. Vincent Millay
Primul smochin

Lumanarea-mi va conteni;
In noapte n-o sa tina;
Dar ah, dusmani, si oh, prieteni –
Da o dulce lumina!

Vintage Print

A Man’s Requirements / Cerintele unui barbat

POSTED IN classic poetry, translated English-Romanian February 28, 2019











A Man’s Requirements / Cerintele unui barbat

Love me Sweet, with all thou art,
Feeling, thinking, seeing;
Love me in the lightest part,
Love me in full being.

Love me with thine open youth
In its frank surrender;
With the vowing of thy mouth,
With its silence tender.

Love me with thine azure eyes,
Made for earnest granting;
Taking colour from the skies,
Can Heaven’s truth be wanting?

Love me with their lids, that fall
Snow-like at first meeting;
Love me with thine heart, that all
Neighbours then see beating.

Love me with thine hand stretched out
Love me with thy loitering foot,—
Hearing one behind it.

Love me with thy voice, that turns
Sudden faint above me;
Love me with thy blush that burns
When I murmur Love me!

Love me with thy thinking soul,
Break it to love-sighing;
Love me with thy thoughts that roll
On through living—dying.

Love me when in thy gorgeous airs,
When the world has crowned thee;
Love me, kneeling at thy prayers,
With the angels round thee.

Love me pure, as musers do,
Up the woodlands shady:
Love me gaily, fast and true
As a winsome lady.

Through all hopes that keep us brave,
Farther off or nigher,
Love me for the house and grave,
And for something higher.

Thus, if thou wilt prove me, Dear,
Woman’s love no fable.
I will love thee—half a year—
As a man is able.

Elisabeth Barrett Browning
Cerintele unui barbat

Iubeste-ma cu tot ce esti
Simtind, gandind, vazand;
Usuratec sa ma iubesti
iubeste-ma fiind.

Iubeste-ma cu tineretea
ce franc se supune ;
cu promisiuni din gura-ti,

Iubeste-ma cu ochi de-azur,
creati sinceri spre-a fi ;
luand culoarea de la cer,
Cerul poate dori ?

Iubeste-ma cu pleoape, ce cad
cum neaua la prima intalnire ;
cu inima-ti, astfel incat
toti vecinii s-o vada-n zvacnire.

Iubeste-ma cu mana-ntinsa
liber, nebuneste :
c-un picior lenes destinsa,-
cel’lalt se taraste.

Iubeste-ma cu vocea, jocul
ce sleit ma trasforma ;
Cu obraji ce ard ca focul
cand susur « iubeste-ma » !

Cu-al tau suflet chibzuit,
rupt in suspinare ;
cu gandul talazuit
viata-moarte – care.

Iubeste-ma superba fiind,
cand lumea-ti da cununa ;
cand te rogi, ingenunchind
cu ingerii-mpreuna.

ca pustnicii, luminat
in umbra padurii buna :
sau vesel, iute si curat
ca o gratioasa Doamna.

Prin sperante crezamant,
mai departe sau mai tare,
iubeste-ma pan’ la mormant,
iubeste-mai sus in zare.

Astfele, daca-mi dovedesti,
ca iubesti cu-adevarat.
Te-oi iubi juma’ de an –
c-atat poate un barbat.

Vintage print

The best thing in the world / Cel mai bun lucru din lume

POSTED IN classic poetry, translated English-Romanian February 27, 2019

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The best thing in the world / Cel mai bun lucru din lume

What’s the best thing in the world ?
June-rose, by May-dew impearled;
Sweet south-wind, that means no rain;
Truth, not cruel to a friend;
Pleasure, not in haste to end;
Beauty, not self-decked and curled
Till its pride is over-plain;
Light, that never makes you wink;
Memory, that gives no pain;
Love, when, so, you’re loved again.
What’s the best thing in the world ?
— Something out of it, I think.

Elisabeth Barrett Browning

Cel mai bun lucru din lume

Ce-i mai bun in asta lume ?
roza verii-n Mai perlata ;
dulce zefir far’ de ploaie ;
onest, nu crud in simtire.
negrabita fericire;
gratie nemutilata
de mandria ce se-nfoaie.
raza, ce pleoapa n-o-nchide ;
amintiri, ce nu-ncovoaie ;
dragoste iubind vioaie.
Ce-i mai bun in asta lume ?
– ceva din ast’ tot, as crede.

Vintage Print

Keeping Things Whole / Pastrand lucrurile intregi

POSTED IN contemporary poetry, translated English-Romanian February 16, 2019











Keeping Things Whole / Pastrand lucrurile intregi

In a field
I am the absence
of field.
This is
always the case.
Wherever I am
I am what is missing.

When I walk
I part the air
and always
the air moves in
to fill the spaces
where my body’s been.

We all have reasons
for moving.
I move
to keep things whole.

Mark Strand
Pastrand lucrurile intregi

Intr-un spatiu
Eu sunt absenta
se intampla mereu.
Oriunde as fi
sunt ceea ce lipseste.

Cand merg
despart aerul
si mereu
aerul reintra
sa umple spatiile
pe unde trupul meu a fost.

Noi toti avem motive
sa ne miscam.
Eu ma misc
spre a pastra lucrurile intregi.

Vintage Print

All hushed and still within the house / Totu-i mut, nemiscat in casa

POSTED IN classic poetry, translated English-Romanian January 4, 2019













All hushed and still within the house / Totu-i mut, nemiscat in casa

All hushed and still within the house;
Without – all wind and driving rain;
But something whispers to my mind,
Through rain and through the wailing wind,
Never again.
Never again? Why not again?
Memory has power as real as thine.

Emily Brontë

Totu-i mut, nemiscat in casa

Totu-i mut, nemiscat in casa;
Fara de vant si ploaia grea;
Insa ceva–mi sopteste-n gand,
Prin ploaie si vantul plangand,
Din nou nicicand.
Din nou nicicand? De ce nicicand ?
Memoria egala-n tarie cu tine fiind.

Maria Magdalena
