April, 2017

Resitatiivi I / Recitativ 1

POSTED IN classic poetry April 28, 2017












Happy birthday in Eternity, Hilja Onerva Lehtinen


Resitatiivi I

Ei onnea luotu minulle,
se luotiin muita vasten,
se luotiin perhojen iloita
ja leikkiä nukkelasten!
Jos en sitä itse ma särkisikään,
sen särkevät multa toiset:
nuo sääntöjen säveät seuraajat,
nuo homeisten lakien loiset,
joiden järki on jäykkä ja pimeä
ja tunne kuin tahkottu kivi,
mielipitehet museon hyllyltä
ja sielu kuin kirjan rivi,
joiden silmät on kierot ja karvahat
sitä kaikkea kaunista kohti,
joka lainakaapuja halveksii
ja omilla liikkua tohtii.

Te luulette, että mun henkeni
valeviisauteenne viihtyy:
mitä enemmän minua kiusaatte,
sitä enemmän mieleni kiihtyy.
Te luulette, että mun henkeni
veriottelussamme taipuu:
mitä enemmän minua sorratte,
sitä enemmän valtanne vaipuu.
Näennäisesti kenties taipua voin
yli voimien käypään valtaan,
mut kahleissakin minä säilytän
oman henkeni uhri-altaan;
ja jos ette elää salli mun,
niin tappakaa minut vainen:
minä olen vankina vaarallinen
ja kelvoton alamainen.


Recitativ 1

Nu mie norocu-mi fu dat
ci altora fu harazit,
spre-a fluturilor bucurie fu creat
si copiilor-papusi spre joaca daruit.
Daca insami nu-mi sfaram norocul,
sa-l sfarame altii-s porniti:
cei ai regulilor fideli urmatori,
cei ai mucedelor legi paraziti,
a caror minte-i teapana, intunecata
si sufletul ca piatra polizoare,
idei din raftul de muzeu luate
si inima de carti ascultatoare,
ai caror ochi privesc viclean si had
spre tot ceea ce e frumos si care
dispretuieste haine de-mprumut
si sa se miste singur curaj are.

Voi credeti ca gandirea mea
falsei voastre-ntelepciuni e fidela.
Cu cat voi ma chinuiti mai mult,
cu-atat mai mault mintea mea-i rebela.
Voi credeti ca spiritul meu
in lupta noastra sangeroasa se supune.
Cu cat voi ma oprimati mai mult,
cu-atat mai mult puterea voastra-apune.
Inselator sa ma supun as putea
puterii ce pe-a mea o depaseste
insa in lanturi tot pastrez
altarul unde spiritu-mi jertfeste.
Si daca nu-mi dati voie sa traiesc,
ucideti-ma atunci, macar.
Eu sunt periculoasa ca prizonier
iar ca supus sunt in zadar.



Spring is the period

POSTED IN classic poetry April 24, 2017

eu si padurea











Spring is the period


Spring is the Period
Express from God.
Among the other seasons
Himself abide,

But during March and April
None stir abroad
Without a cordial interview
With God.


Emily Dickinson

The Easter flower

POSTED IN classic poetry April 15, 2017











The Easter flower


Far from this foreign Easter damp and chilly
My soul steals to a pear-shaped plot of ground,
Where gleamed the lilac-tinted Easter lily
Soft-scented in the air for yards around;

Alone, without a hint of guardian leaf!
Just like a fragile bell of silver rime,
It burst the tomb for freedom sweet and brief
In the young pregnant year at Eastertime;

And many thought it was a sacred sign,
And some called it the resurrection flower;
And I, a pagan, worshiped at its shrine,
Yielding my heart unto its perfumed power.


Claude McKay

Si de Florii

POSTED IN Stories April 7, 2017











Si de Florii

Si de Florii
te-astept sa fii
si sa atingi
cu mine Cerul…

Te-astept sa vii
cu frunze vii
al fericirii

De-ai sa ma minti
ma jur pe sfinti
te vand pe
30 arginti

te las sa fii
cu ochi pustii
in ziua sfanta
de Florii.


The carrier

POSTED IN Stories April 1, 2017

The carrier

I caught a nasty
Spring happiness.
I’m not sure how.
must have smiled
straight into my soul.
I felt suddenly hot and cold,
warm and fuzzy,
I saw rainbows
on a rainy day,
I sang for no reason
and smiled to unknown people
on the street.
It seems to be
highly contagious
and to have a very short
incubation period.
I kissed my love
and I’ve contaminated him
for he came home
dancing in the rain
filling my arms
with all the white lilacs
stolen from the city.
He might have been
weaker than I
for he started
to write poems,
to tell me “I love you”
every second hour,
to praise my food
(I’m not so much of a cook),
to find me interesting.
It is terrible!
My  happiness
triggered in him
a chain reaction
and strange side effects.
Could it be genetic
I wonder?
I shudder to think about
my children,
my grandchildren,
my great grandchildren
exposed to happiness
simply because
I was the carrier.

Vintage print
