November, 2015

White noise

POSTED IN Stories November 23, 2015

prima zapada











In all the world
there’s nothing like
the sound of falling snow,

the only noise
I’ve ever known
that makes the clocks move slow.

The only sound
that sweeps away
the din of city streets;

and wraps around,
in soft embrace,
‘most everyone it meets.

A sound that’s not
a sound at all,
a quiet, soft and dear,

that comforts all
the sleepy souls
who sit, and watch, and hear.


the first snow, the 21st of November, 2015

Maria Magdalena Biela

A losing hand

POSTED IN Stories November 23, 2015










A losing hand

Now we gamble on our love.
We shared the feelings equally
and all bets are off.
I open with a fear
you call my fear and raise an anger
so I lose this first round.
Then I bet a memory
you call my bluff
and raise the forgetting
and I lose again.
I bet a question,
you raise the silence
and do not win.
I bet the “I love you” ace
your glance calls and raises
the “I loved you” straight flush.
Resigned I accept the defeat.
(Well, I still have an ace up my sleeve: the Hope!)


The 23rd of November 2015


Maria Magdalena Biela
